Our youngest daughter gave birth Wednesday at 8:09 am to a 20 ½ inch, 7.4 lb. baby boy, named Boston. She spent 18 hrs. in labor. Around her was all the medical technology that man could provide, pain medication, fetal monitor, an L&D nurse to check dilation, and family at her side. Yet, the waiting continued throughout the night into the morning, no sleep just, “I’m ready for this baby now! Let’s get this over with!” Megan has never been good with pain or waiting. When the two were synchronized together it was memorable to say the least. When Boston finally joined the human race and snap-shots recording his every move were being taken, joy filled our hearts and the wonder of his presence among us was overwhelming. But, soon the elation turned to concern for he was not crying like the other babies. It was determined he had an infection and the nurses began the process of treating him. There was a rollercoaster of emotions while we waited minute by minute for the status of his...