I cannot count the number of times I have talked to someone about their relationship with God and they say words to this effect: “I'm not a bad person—I mean, I've never killed anybody.” Killing tops the list of bad things that people can do. Murder carries the greatest punishment in this country. Our culture believes that murder is the worst sin that a person can commit. With this in mind, it is surprising to consider the fact that the three most significant men in scripture—other than Jesus—were guilty of murder. Moses killed an Egyptian, David killed Uriah, and Paul killed a number of Christians. If you steal money, of course it's wrong, but it can be paid back. If you were to fight someone and break their arm, that would be wrong, but the injury would heal. Murder is permanent. It is something you have to live with every day. It cannot be undone. But it can be forgiven. God's grace is powerful enough to forgive any sin. The Bible affirms that we have a...