It’s been twelve weeks since we began the long overdue remodel of our front restrooms. With the project near complete, except for a few minor but important details, I made a final to-do list. The list consisted of eighteen small projects to complete within the larger scope of this restroom / parlor restoration. The finish line was in sight. At the end of the week six remain. Honestly these six were the hardest of the final eighteen. Why do I always leave the hard things until the end? I guess because I didn’t want to do them yet. Well, “yet” has arrived!

In your work there are probably a few little things that you don't want to do: items that should be done, but don't have to be done — at least not yet.

Legendary football coach Tom Landry said, "The job of a football coach is to make men do what they don't want to do, in order to achieve what they've always wanted to be."

It's also said that successful people become successful by doing the little things that average people don't want to do.

Though the items on my not-to-do list changed from day-to-day this week, they all have one thing in common: none of them are impossible. They're all do-able with just a little bit of effort.

They have another thing in common: by ignoring them, we short-change ourselves.

We don't like to call this type of delay by its proper name, but Solomon doesn't mince words, with out hesitation he says: “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.” (Proverbs 10:4)

For many of us, that's all that stands between us and the fulfillment of our goals — A little laziness. That's not a mountain in front of you. It's just a hill — a small, tedious, do-able hill.

Challenge yourself today to make a not-to-do list — and tackle these items first, one-by-one.


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