We planted four oak trees in the front of the church fifteen years ago. Didn’t think they would be this large this soon. Some say it takes twenty five years for this type of tree to make shade. They have grown each year to become a mighty shade against the heat of our western exposure to the sun. Warren Buffet said, "Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."

We are worshiping this Sunday because a handful of people sacrificed years ago…decades ago, to get a fledgling idea off the ground. Olive Place aka Ambassador Baptist Church purchased the land on November 20, 1952. We should take a minute to say “thank-you” for those who paid the price to make our current ministry possible. (This also applies to where you worship or work— someone planted and watered)

 Now consider this question: Who will be sitting in the shade of your hard work twenty years from now? Or more to the point: Will there be shade to sit in? It depends on you planting trees today.

 When we build disciples — whether it's our children, our church members, our employees — we're planting trees.

When we help others develop Christian character, or improve their marriage, or parent more effectively, work productively, or become a more loyal friend, we’re planting trees.
When we teach the Word, and teach others to love the Word, we're planting trees.

Much of our daily life’s tasks involve dealing with today’s issues. Don't let today's urgencies prevent you from making shade for the next generation.

And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. (2 Timothy 2:2 ESV)


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