The other day I was coming out of a parking space at the hospital, a driver in the space behind me flashed his lights then pulled up next to me and motioned for me to roll down my window. My thoughts raced. I didn't think I had cut him off, or interfered with his right of way. What had I done? With apprehension, I rolled down my window without any indication of the problem. The driver, friendlier than expected, informed me that my backup light on the right rear side was out.

As I drove away, I became aware that I would never have known my backup light was out without that person making the effort to tell me. I needed someone with a different viewpoint and angle to see what I couldn't. I would have continued to drive unaware of any problem. The failed light was in a spot I could not see.

You and I both have blind spots in our lives, don’t we? Just like the driver who helped me that day, the Lord uses other people in our lives to give us wisdom and correction. It is easy to get so caught up in me, that I am blind to all else. Perhaps it is blindness to the Lord's will. Maybe I can't see how my actions are affecting others. Or, I may be blind to see how the Lord wants me to change and grow. What a blessing that the Lord puts others ahead of us, behind us, and with us each step of the way.

With a different angle and viewpoint, others are able to sharpen us and help us grow. Sometimes it can be hard to listen to the advice others offer. It is so important to listen carefully to the advice and wisdom of the godly people God has placed in our lives. The insight of others will help us make our way wisely through life's journey.

In the same way, we must be willing as Christ-followers to help point out blind spots to others around us. Pray that the Lord would use you to speak lovingly and with humility, into someone else’s life. Seek out the wisdom He has waiting for you. Just make sure you are able to season the truth with grace.

The proverbs speak again and again about a foolish man versus a wise man. “Fools think they need no advice, but the wise listen to others” (Proverbs 12:15 NLT). It is a wise man that listens to the correction of others. Only a fool ignores it.


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