If we have claimed Christ as our Savior then He dwells in our innermost hearts. Our new life as Christ-followers will manifest an intimate relationship with Him by a walk of faith in Him. In Colossians 2:6, Paul says; “So walk in Him.”

Walking implies action. Our faith is not to be confined to our church. We must carry out in practical terms the effect of that which we believe. If a person walks in Christ, then they should act as Christ would act. For if Christ is in us, our hope, our love, our joy, our life, are the spontaneous effects of the image of Jesus. Others would then say of us, "They are like their Master — they live like Jesus Christ."

Walking signifies progress. "So walk in Him." Proceed to move forward from grace to grace until you reach the utmost level of knowledge that a Christ-follower can achieve concerning our loving Lord.

Walking implies continuance. There must be a perpetual abiding in Christ. How many Christ-followers think that in the morning until evening they should be in the company of Jesus? Many give their hearts to the world all day long. This is a depraved form of living. We should always be with Him, walking in His steps and doing His will.

Walking also implies habit. When we speak of a Christ-follower's walk we mean their habits, the constant status of their life. Now, if we sometimes enjoy Christ, and then forget Him and sometimes call Him ours, but later lose our grip — that is not a habit. We’re not walking in Him. We must remain in Him, cling to Him, and never let Him go. We must live and have our being in Him. "As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him."

Persevere in the same way in which you began your walk of faith. Continue to trust the source of your life. Maintain the principles discovered in His word that direct your actions and fills your spirit with joy.

Let Christ be the same till your life's end. Let Him be the same when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and enter into the joy and rest that awaits the people of God. O Holy Spirit, enable us today to obey this heavenly principle.


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