Our words can collide with people and condemn them, or our words can confirm them. Words are like honey; they fill you up but without the calories. The Bible says in Proverbs 16:24 that, “Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.” In those days, honey was a remedy for sickness such as a sore throat. It was also an energy booster, a total “pick-me-up.”

Jesus said in Matthew 15:18 that our words are an overflow from our heart. What is on the inside will come out in our words.

Two brothers were getting on in years, and one was envious of the other. The older of the two asked God, “Why has my brother been blessed with wealth and happiness and I have nothing? All my life I’ve never missed a single day without saying my morning and evening prayers. My church attendance has been perfect. I’ve not made a single decision without first calling Your name. And now as I’m nearing my final days, I’m in church every day and almost every night. Yet, I can hardly afford to pay my meager rent. My brother, on the other hand, drinks and gambles. Not once have I seen him in church, yet my brother has more money than he can count. So I ask you, God, not to punish my brother but to tell me why you’ve allowed him such wealth and happiness and I’ve been left with nothing?”

God replied, “Because you are such a self-righteous pain in the neck.”

Why do we use condemning words? Sometimes it’s because we are self-righteous pains in the neck. A sharp tongue is mentioned a lot more in the Bible than gambling or drinking. Yet we are so self-righteous. “You don’t see me down at the casino. You don’t see me doing this or that.” What about your words? The Book says that our lives and our lips are connected. Sometimes we use condemning words because we think that this will make others change their behavior. Our motives may be good, but the method isn’t.

A pastor recovering from serious injuries knew he would not be able to see his son, Chris, run in the state cross-country championship meet. He enlisted his brother Merle to go instead. This injured pastor told his brother, “I can’t be there to see Chris run so I want you there at the beginning of the race. Holler a lot. … Then, at the end, I want you to really cheer loudly. And I want you to make your voice sound like mine.” Merle took the advice, and Chris ran a strong race, finishing second. Can you recognize the theological truth in this father’s request? “That’s what Jesus wants us to do, make our voice sound like His.”

Jesus says, “Eddie, I’ve got some people in the family who are in the race, too. I want you to be there and say words of encouragement. I want your voice to sound like Mine.” Jesus is our advocate. He’s on our team and He’s cheering for us.

Yes indeed, I want my voice to sound like His.


  1. What can we say of our Lord's method when He fashioned a whip? I am sure we would not desire to hear His tone that day as well... I say these things just as a reminder that sometimes a rebuke is exactly what is needed...


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