Work Matters

God has uniquely wired you (Psalm 139) and placed you (Acts 17:26-27) with intrinsic abilities and gifts to make a difference at your place of employment. There is an importance in the work you do. You must walk into work with a sense of calling. Knowing that what the Lord has given you to do does matter. It can be worship. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people. (Colossians 3:23-24 GNT)

The Bible makes no division between the secular and the sacred. “Slaves, obey your masters here on earth with fear and respect and from a sincere heart, just as you obey Christ. You must do this not only while they are watching you, to please them. With all your heart you must do what God wants as people who are obeying Christ. Do your work with enthusiasm. Work as if you were serving the Lord, not as if you were serving only men and women.” (Ephesians 6:5-8 NCV)

Every task we undertake whether paid or unpaid is to be done unto the Lord. To be done for His approval. Your job no matter if it is building a building or cooking a meal, buying, selling, manufacturing, or changing a diaper your work is sacred. You are engaged in sacred activity while you are on the job.

Dorothy Sayers comments; “Let the church remember this. Every maker and worker is called to serve God in his/her profession or trade not outside of it. The apostles complained rightly when it was not appropriate that they should leave the Word of God and serve tables. Their vocation was to preach the Word. But the person whose vocation it is to prepare the meals beautifully might with equal justice protest it is not appropriate for us to leave the service of tables to preach the Word.”

You don’t need to do anything different. You just need to do what you do differently. Do your work with a sense of mission, a sense of passion with the identity of being a missionary within your vocation. Leverage your position for worship and for witness. Your work has value before the eyes of God. This is not to establish your identity but His in the workplace. 

 Be intentional to integrate your faith with your career. See your job as impacting others for eternity.


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