When Elvis Presley died, people all over the world were shocked at the passing of the one they called "the King." Following his death, many young men who idolized Elvis sought to imitate him. One such man was Dennis Wise. He actually had his face surgically lifted and his hair contoured so that he looked exactly like his idol. He had learned to play the guitar and had even made a few dollars by appearing as a Presley impersonator. When he was interviewed by a newspaper concerning his passion to be like Elvis Presley, he said:

“Yes, sir, Presley has been an idol of mine ever since I was five years old. I have every record he ever made — twice over. I have pictures in the thousands. I have books, magazines, pillows — I even have a couple of books in German and Japanese about him. I even have tree leaves from the front of his house. It was embarrassing to me when I was in school for the kids were always teasing me. When Elvis was wearing white boots I went out and bought white boots. The kids called them "fruit boots." Teachers would always send me to the office because my two top buttons were unbuttoned. I'd button them and then, when no one was looking, I'd unbutton them again.

     But I never got to meet Elvis Presley. I saw him on the stage four times. Once I tried to run up to the stage and once I stood on the wall of Graceland [the Presley mansion] and tried to see him. For 12 hours I stood there trying to get a glimpse of him. But he had so many people around him that I could never get close.”

The tragic part this story are the words, "I could never get close to him." Imagine how difficult it would be to see Jesus if he were on earth today. Think of the press of people you would have to get through to even look at him, let alone talk with him. Millions would be clamoring for his attention so that you wouldn't stand a chance to get close to him. But the good news of Easter is, not only can you know him, but he can be close to you all the time, through every situation. The risen Lord offers to share his victory with you, to take you through whatever you must face as your close and competent Companion who will never, never leave you.

Behind locked doors in fear for their lives the disciples found relief for their souls on Sunday evening of that first Easter. “Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them! "Peace be with you," he said. As he spoke, he showed them the wounds in his hands and his side. They were filled with joy when they saw the Lord! (John 20:19-21). You may have had to face some serious problems this week. You may have to confront what looks like the end of your hopes and dreams. Fears and anxieties, loneliness, emptiness, heartache and sorrow stand before you. But the good news of Easter is, you don't have to face any of that alone. 


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