Who Are You?

One of the things that I love about reading the letters of the Apostle Paul is that I get a chance to see someone who was very clear about his identity.  There wasn’t much confusion in how Paul saw himself.  “I Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God…”— (Romans 1:1). There wasn’t a lack of clarity on how God has taken a hold of him and molded him into who he was.  

I have observed that many people are confused these days.  They don’t know who they really are. They don’t understand the core of their identity.  The following are some statements that might help you reclaim what God has done and is doing in your life.  As you read the following, decide to own it!  
Understand that these are not just hopes for which we would like to become, but realities of how God has reshaped and transformed you into His likeness.  They are already part of who you are!  Know them and live them!  

“I am a Christ-follower.” When the disciples were first called Christians, it was because they were “like Christ.” Their belief was more than intellectual. It was worked out in the actions of their lives. They joined Jesus on a journey.  Believe that God has called you to this journey as well…to a life-long process of being conformed to His image.
“I am a regular Joe.” Many of us struggle with thinking we are the center of the universe.  The reality is that we are no different than any other Christ-follower. We experience the same joys and struggles as everyone else.  We are all in need of the moment-by-moment covering of the grace of God. There’s only one star in the Kingdom of God - and it’s not you or me. His name is Jesus.

“I am called to be a difference-maker in my world.” Jesus’ plan was to make His love real to people through us, His followers. The truth is, you can either influence or be influenced.  What do you think Jesus had in mind for you?
“I am a lover of life.”  In light of eternity, we are given a small amount of time on this planet. Jesus said that He has come to give us life to the full, not some dull imitation. During our time here, live so as to finish the race, fighting the good fight, and keeping the faith.

“I am not finished…not by a long shot!” Everyday, if we open our eyes, we can see the work of God in our lives.  We are continually working out this gift that God has given us.  As Paul says, “he who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it” (Philippians 1:6).  Pray for more of Jesus…more of His love…more of His power in your life…more of His nature living in and through you.


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