How can a
Christ-follower be certain that they are growing spiritually? “Supplement your
faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with
knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient
endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, and godliness with brotherly
affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone. The more you grow
like this, the more productive and useful you will be in … our Lord Jesus
Christ.” (2 Peter 1:5-8 NLT)
begin with faith but that faith must lead to spiritual growth—unless it is dead
faith. Faith leads to growth and growth leads to practical results of an
abundant and an enriched life of service all the while moving closer to your
grand entrance into the eternal kingdom. (v. 11)
Some of the
most effective Christ-followers I have known are people without dramatic
talents and special abilities, or even exciting personalities — still God has
used them in a marvelous way. This is because they are becoming more and more
like Jesus Christ. They have the kind of character and conduct that God can
trust with his blessings. They are fruitful because they are faithful. They are
effective because they are growing in their Christ-following experience. These
beautiful qualities of character do exist within us because we possess the
divine nature (v.4). We must cultivate them so that they increase and produce
fruit in and through our lives.
If you forget
what God has done for you you'll not be motivated by your character to share
Christ with others. Because of the blood of Christ you have been cleansed and
forgiven! God has opened your eyes! Don’t be nearsighted but rather sharpen
your spiritual vision. The needs of those around you are too great for you to
be walking around with your eyes closed! (v. 9)
If you are
growing spiritually you will walk with confidence because you know you are secure
in Christ. The person who claims to be a child of God but whose character and
conduct give no evidence of spiritual growth is deceiving themselves and
opening the door for judgment. Just because you are one of the chosen few is no
excuse for spiritual immaturity or the lack of effort in you Christian life.
Make every effort to be willing to cooperate with God to do the work he has
chosen you to do. Don’t be spiritually lazy! You will not always be at the top
of the mountain but you should always be climbing higher. (v. 10)
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