A friend’s computer died.  They brought it to me to fix and said, “One moment it was on and working fine, and the next moment nothing.”  For no apparent reason it would restart without warning. It seems that some sort of “Malware” (malicious software) had taken over and was holding it hostage and preventing any use of the PC’s capabilities. This cyber predator attached itself to the chips of this computer, leaving it utterly useless.

After reformatting the hard drive and re-installing all the software, the computer was finally fixed. The Bible says sin is crouching at the door.  Throughout the Bible sin is not an inanimate object. It is personified and active.  Sin seeks us out and waits for us to make a wrong move or decision.  It is not God who sends temptation, it is the evil in this world that waits and pounces when given the chance. “When tempted no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone.  But each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire he is dragged away and enticed.  Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown gives birth to death.”—James 1:13-15

Once sin gets in, it is hard to control.  It maliciously moves and weaves its way through your life until it feels unstoppable and out of control.  Ultimately it is your choice to let sin into your life.  It will lurk in the dark corners until the opportunity is given for it to take hold.  It is sin that leads to death.  As Christ-followers we need to accept responsibility for the sin in our lives and ask God for forgiveness.  As it says in Hebrews 12:1, sin can easily entangle us.  Don’t become ensnared and stopped by sin—your soul's malware.


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