Last year Dawn and I went to Glenwood Caverns, in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. The cave, discovered in 1897, is called King’s Row which according to USA Today is one of the top 10 best places to go underground. Because of the depth and complexity of this cavern it required that a spelunking guide lead us into and out of this hollowed-out hole in the ground. The 40 minute tour descending a 150 feet revealed beautiful formations of stalactites, stalagmites, soda straws and cave bacon. Without our spelunking guide directing us where to step and where to look we would have missed most of the glorious features that make this cave unique and beautiful. It would have been foolish to venture forth into that cave without our guide knowing where to take the next step. It’s just as foolish for a Christ-follower to have no need of godly guidance. 

Typically we do things that are ill-advised and are led astray by it. Then, when realizing the lack of wisdom our heart begins to grieve over its folly. We kick ourselves for being so ignorant to the guidance of God. Yet, like the Psalmist David we remember that He is continually with us as our eternal guide and counselor. “You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.” (Psalm 72:24)
It should be at that moment of vexation that you resolve to forevermore be guided by God’s counsel. It is the step to right direction and will lead you to rely on the wisdom of the Lord. As the VBS song says, “It’s so sweet to trust in Jesus…tis so sweet…so sweet.” Trust is a confidence that removes all doubt that even if you can’t trace his hand you trust his heart. David says, “You will…” Are you expressing that confidence? Are you sure that the Lord will not turn down your plea? Rest in this fact Christ-follower: God will be your counsellor and friend. He will guide you. He will direct all your ways in all your days. God’s Word —The Bible — is always available to guide you. Let it be your compass on every journey now and all the way to the end! The Lord has it all mapped out and marked where every dark cavern of destruction awaits. Follow Him He knows the way—all the way to glory. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)


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