There was a time in my life when I carried more personal issues than I could handle—emotionally, physically, spiritually, relationally, legally. What compounded these issues was the fact that I had to deal with them immediately — they were not going away on their own. I was staggering beneath the weight of these crushing burdens. I was in the full-blown mode of “Why me Lord!”
Have you also staggered under the insurmountable? In my experience of the insurmountable, family and friends and other Christ-followers each came to me when I was suffering. They prayed for me. They empathized with me. They cried with me. They spent time with me. They consoled me in silence.  Just like Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar did with their friend Job. But unlike these Jobian associates they didn’t assume that my troubles were a sign of God’s judgment. They were more Pauline like in their approach—“Mourn with those who mourn” (Romans 12:15). They were willing to enter into the pain of a suffering friend. I was encouraged by their selfless love. Yet, the insurmountable was still squeezing me like a vice. 

I learned something through those days of the insurmountable that might be of help to you. Simply, trust God. Yes, trust His Word. Trust it more than what you are experiencing from the whirlwind round about you. I thought I was on autopilot when it came to God’s Word. After all, I was a trained professional. I was at the time a freshly graduated seminarian educated in the specifics of the Word. I knew but I didn’t know. I felt like I had done nothing to deserve this suffering. But, when I came to the end of myself I found that the trials I endured were not related to my behavior. Instead, God used those insurmountable sufferings as a test and as a part of His sovereign plan for my life. 

Claim this verse. Memorize it so you don’t have to waste time googling it. “Cast all your cares (insurmountables) upon Him, because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). If you trust Him with your soul why not trust Him with your burdens. He will never refuse to bear them and will not crumble under their weight. Take and leave all your concerns in the hands of your gracious God. When you turn your focus to God there is a soothing that surrounds your insurmountable. When you put all-of-that insurmountable burden upon the Lord your faith finds a resting place and you will instantly be happy (blessed).


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