As a teenager, I spent 4 years playing high school football. During practice, we would routinely have various drills, run-throughs, and scrimmages to prepare for the upcoming games. There were times where the coaches would have us walk through certain plays and situations. At other times, they would have us pick up the pace, going through drills at half-speed. The coaches did this so they could make sure that everyone was in the right place, doing the right assignments. Then, we would be put through full-speed scrimmages, with full contact. I noticed that, usually, most injuries occurred when we had been involved in full-speed exercises, because one of the players was only going half-speed. This half-speed player would be the one injured. Over my years as pastor, I’ve noticed a similar pattern in the spiritual lives of Christ-followers. Many folks seem to have a basic belief in Jesus, but resist following Him wholeheartedly — sort of a half-speed Christi...