As a teenager, I
spent 4 years playing high school football. During practice, we would routinely
have various drills, run-throughs, and scrimmages to prepare for the upcoming
games. There were times where the coaches would have us walk through certain plays
and situations. At other times, they would have us pick up the pace, going
through drills at half-speed. The coaches did this so they could make sure that
everyone was in the right place, doing the right assignments. Then, we would be
put through full-speed scrimmages, with full contact.
today, and make it your aim to live as a full-speed Christ-follower.
I noticed that,
usually, most injuries occurred when we had been involved in full-speed
exercises, because one of the players was only going half-speed. This
half-speed player would be the one injured.
Over my years as
pastor, I’ve noticed a similar pattern in the spiritual lives of
Many folks seem
to have a basic belief in Jesus, but resist following Him wholeheartedly — sort
of a half-speed Christianity, so-to-speak. These are the people who struggle
most with faith. Some tell me how Christ-following isn’t working for them and are
often frustrated with incorporating their faith into life. Others harbor
resentment toward God for their life situations. And some sadly walk away from
any visible evidence of following Christ (at least for a time). In my opinion, half-speed
Christianity leads to spiritual injury.
The Christian
life was not designed to be lived at half-speed. This isn’t to say that any of
us follow Christ perfectly in this life. But a wholehearted faith that reflects
our desire to be all that God wants us to be, and to do what God wants us to do
are daily choices each of us can and should make. This daily choice, regardless
of our faults and imperfections, gives us a proper life-perspective (world
view) and aligns us with God, putting us in a position where God is able to
make the most out of our lives and to grow strong in faith. This is where we should
live—as full-speed Christ-followers.
As in full-speed
football, so also in the Christian life, injuries: Hurts and disappointments
still happen occasionally along the way. It’s just part of the “game.” But, our
most significant safety factor is found in living our lives wholeheartedly for
Christ, day-in and day-out.
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