What if I were to tell you that there is one specific quality that determines, more than anything else, whether or not you succeed in life? It determines your level of long-term happiness. It determines your ability to deal with adversity. It determines your ability to earn money and keep it, your ability to create meaningful relationships, and your ability to experience deep and abiding joy. What if I were to tell that there is this one quality on which all the good things of life turn — and this one quality is yours for the asking?

The quality I'm talking about is wisdom. And it's yours for the asking. It's available to every Christ-follower. James said...If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. (James 1:5)

The bottom line is that without wisdom, life simply doesn't work. If you don't have wisdom to make good decisions, you'll end up making bad decisions upon bad decisions. But it doesn't have to be that way. God wants to give you all the wisdom you need, every step of the way through life. Biblical wisdom is down to earth and practical. “My words are plain to anyone with understanding, clear to those with knowledge.” (Pr. 8:9) Even with all of the stories and parables and history in the Bible, wisdom is street-level practical. It is full of advice that’s easy for you to understand.

Biblical wisdom can help you make better decisions in every area of your life. Reading the Bible daily will give you a solid foundation for making good decisions on how to plan, how to follow through, how to prepare for living life. Wisdom is worth the price you pay to get it. Wisdom guides you through every situation of life. Without it, you’re left to your own devices. But if you have it, if you master it, it will give you the edge you need. It will make your decisions better it will make your financial life more stable and you will experience the joy of God’s will.

Every moment of the day, there is a wisdom-based decision to make. What will you do with the next hour? What will you think about? What will you eat? What will you read or watch or listen to? What will you say to someone? What will you do in response to someone’s actions? Wisdom in many ways is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes. To fully develop wisdom, you need to put it into practice at every opportunity.

Solomon says, “Wisdom is far more valuable than rubies. Nothing you desire can compare with it.” (Pr. 8:11) Of all the things that you could possibly want, of all the things you could possibly think you need—wisdom matters most. Without wisdom, any other gift you receive will inevitably slip through your fingers. If you have money, but don’t have the wisdom to manage it, it’ll soon be gone. If you have power without the wisdom to use it, you’ll ultimately abuse it. If you’re surrounded with great friends and a loving family, but don’t have wisdom in developing relationships, you’ll never fully appreciate the people God has placed in your life.

If you want to have a clear-cut advantage in all you do then you need to build your life on the wisdom of biblical principles.


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