There's no denying the fact that our country and the world is
filled with conflict and violence of every sort. We watch the evening news in numb disbelief. During this past year we not only discovered
that we're not safe in the workplace, but we learned that our children are not
safe at school, we're not safe in our cars driving down the road and one month
ago on a Thursday evening in Dallas, Texas, senseless violence was taken to a
disturbing new level as a deranged gunman walked into a parking garage and
began shooting at police officers.
It's not uncommon for us to think that this kind of violence is
unique to our culture, but the reality is, there has always been violence and
conflict. The Society of International
Law in London reports that during the last four millennia there have only been 268
years of peace. There have been over
15,000 known wars from 36 BC to the present date. Over 8,000 treaties have been made and
broken. Despite the peacemaking efforts
of organizations such as the League of Nations, NATO and the United Nations,
since 1945 there have been over 85 wars and over 105 nations have been involved
in armed conflict. All of this caused an
insightful cynic to say, "Peace is that glorious moment in history when
everyone stops to reload."
Whenever you find yourself embroiled in a conflict, have you ever
noticed how quickly your human nature kicks into gear? Your human nature says, "Don't let
people run over you! Win the
argument! Come out on top! If someone is nasty to you, dish it right back! Don't get mad, get even!" But, Jesus in Matthew chapter five and verse
nine of the beatitudes exhorts us to be agents
of reconciliation. He says, "Blessed are the peacemakers for they
will be called the children of God." Even though you are sinner by
nature and by choice and are worthy of eternal condemnation, the Bible is the
story of God taking the initiative to reconcile you to Himself. God is a
peace-making, peace-loving God!
Because you now have peace with God, Jesus calls you to be a
peacemaker. This is not an easy task but Jesus in the text says (not simply
suggesting) Christ-followers are peacemakers and peacemakers build bridges of
reconciliation and peace to others. I’ve learned over the years that conflict
is not resolved accidentally. It requires intentionality. If it is avoided it
just gets worse with time. How much time have you wasted stewing over ruptures
in relationships with a spouse, a family member, one of your children, a
co-worker, a neighbor, or someone at church? Are you hoping it will just go
away? How much sleep has been lost because you can’t get it off your mind?
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