When you look back at the events in your life, you probably see a lot of your mistakes. And if you don't see them, I can guarantee you, others do. They'll be quick to point them out to you. You may think at this point that you've made too many mistakes and that you're not capable of great faith. Maybe you read Hebrews 11 and think: Noah ... Abraham ... Moses ... Me? How can I fit in? One of these things is not like the other, and one of these things definitely doesn't belong. But that's where you would be wrong. Every person in the Hall of Faith, every great man and woman of God, was just as fallible as you and me— maybe even more so. On the flip side of their great faith, you see a different list. It includes liars, murderers, adulterers, a prostitute, drunkards, cowards, and quitters. You would think it was a list of the Hall of Shame. The people listed had a lot to live down. Yet, they all exemplified great faith.

Faith is the key that opens the door to a relationship with God. You receive salvation by faith. But it's not just a onetime experience. Faith is intended to define the very nature of your existence. The book of Romans says, “The righteous shall live by faith.” God doesn't respond to your needs. He doesn't respond to your wishes and your wants. He responds to your faith. He wants you to believe in him and to trust him with every detail of your life. It is this act of faith that ignites the power of God in your life.

What is faith? Hebrews 11:1 says: “It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see.” And without this faith you can never please God (v. 6). Putting your faith in God pleases him. This is where your life begins. Begin to nurture your faith-life. It’s not optional. It must be priority one.

God responds to your faith. The life of faith is not a life of inactivity. It is a life of activity. Don’t give in to the temptation of idleness. Take action as your faith directs you. Great faith isn't faith that gets quick results. Great faith is faith that's willing to wait for future results. On this side of heaven you will not have everything, but just because you can’t have it all shouldn’t stop you from receiving all that God wants to give you now—joy, happiness, peace, assurance. No matter how long it takes be willing to nurture your faith-life.


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