Temptation is inevitable. Even respectable people are tempted. Even people who are Spirit-led are tempted. As a Christ-follower you can expect it. We have a tendency to think, when we face temptation, that God must have abandoned us or there must be something wrong with us, or else we wouldn't be experiencing temptation in our lives. Even Jesus was tempted when alone in the desert by the devil—Matthew 4:1. Temptation is inevitable, but it doesn't come from God. Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am being tempted by God," for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. (James 1:13)

God's purpose is not to tempt us, but to give us power over temptation. Did you get that? Please realize more times than not temptation often follows a "peak" experience in our lives. Doesn't make sense, does it? But that's what often happens in our lives. After a peak experience, we often find ourselves alone in the desert. When things are going good for us, we have a tendency to think "I've arrived. This is it. I'll be on top from now on." It doesn't work that way in anyone's life. When you succeed in a big way, you can expect a time of testing to follow soon afterward.

Temptation doesn't hit you where you're strong. It hits you where you're weak. That’s a fact of life. If your business is thriving but your marriage is on the rocks, guess where the tempter will attack. If you have a strong family life, but you're going through some struggles at work, guess where the tempter will attack. He'll find where you're vulnerable, and he'll go after it.

When temptation presents itself in your life it hits where you’re fragile. It hits where you’re exposed. Does that mean you have to throw in the towel and give in to temptation? No! It means you have to rise to the occasion, and face temptation in God's strength. Jesus was at the point of starvation after 40 lonely days and nights in the desert without food and water when Satan came to him and said if he was the Son of God to command the stones around him to become bread, but he didn't give in—Matthew 4:2-4. You don’t have to give in either.

 In order to experience power over temptation, the first thing you need to do is learn to expect it. It happens to everyone—even good people. Temptation frequently comes after a major victory in life. It often hits where you are weakest. Expect it.


  1. Hello Pastor. I am also a Pastor from Mumbai, india. I am blessed by your thought on Temptation where we need to expet it so that we are prepared to face it with the power of Christ. I am glad to stop by your profile on the blogger and the blog post. I am truly blessed and feel privileged and honored to get connected with yiou as well as know you as a Pastor through your profile on the blogger and the blog post. I love getting connected with the people of God around the globe to be encouraged, strengthened and praying for one another. I have been in the Pastoral ministry for last 37 yrs in this great city of Mumbai a city with a great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor l ive. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the brokenhearted. We also encourage young and the adults from the west to come to MUMBAI to work with us during their vacation time. We would love to have young people for your church to come to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time. I am sure they will have a life changing experience. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Looking forward to hear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you, your family and ministry. God willing I will be in the States in the next fifteen days and will be so glad to stop by your place and share more about the ministry we have in Mumbai.


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