Have you ever experienced times when all the promises and doctrines of the Bible seem to have no benefit, that is, unless someone else is kind enough to apply them on your behalf? For example, it’s like when you’re thirsty but you’re too weak to make it to the fridge for a cool glass of water. Or like when a soldier gets wounded in battle he’s not thinking about the fact that there is a hospital staffed with a team of medical experts who can mend his wounds and ease his pains with medicines that will enhance his healing. No! What this wounded soldier is focused on is crying out “Medic, Medic, Medic!”  He knows the Medic is the one able to get him transported to the mash unit to have the procedures applied to him.

That’s what it is like when your soul is wounded. The Bible points out that the Spirit of truth is the only one who can meet this need of yours and take the things of Jesus and apply them to you. “The Spirit of truth will glorify Me, because He will take from what is Mine and declare it to you.” (John 16:14)

The medicine of heaven hasn’t been placed on a high shelf where you have to climb up and get it yourself. By the Spirit the joys and peace of Christ are applied liberally to your heart right where you are. If you are struggling right now in deep distress be assured the Heavenly Father doesn’t tell you of his promises and then leave you all alone to fend for yourself. You’re not forced to draw up the Word like buckets from a deep well for God has promised to write the Word on your heart—right where it is needed the most.

It is by the Spirit of truth that God’s love will be applied to you in order to disperse your cares and troubles.  “Everything the Father has is Mine. This is why I told you that He takes from what is Mine and will declare it to you.” (John 16:15)

It is by God’s own prerogative that he will wipe every tear from your eye.  The Spirit of truth provides everything for your helplessness bringing it to you when you can’t reach for it. He brings you grace before you search for grace!

His word shall not fail you, He promised
Believe Him and all will be well…

And turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace


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