I find that I rely heavily on technology today. More and more, we are a culture that is dependent upon technology. Like many people, I own a smart phone, laptop, a digital camera, and cordless power tools. These are great devices that I have learned to depend on every day. So, its no surprise that these electronics are dependent on electricity. I pretty much run my electronic “tools” on battery power, and generally, it’s not a problem. Yet, if you are like me, then you know it always seems that it’s at the worst possible moment—when you really need to use that camera, make a call on that cell phone or send off one more emails—a warning indicator alerts you to the devices need for a battery recharge and then immediately goes dead. It’s so frustrating!

Okay, I admit it; I know that I bring this on myself! I understand that I ought to keep on top of my battery charging, but I just don’t seem to get around to it. I think I ought to have learned by now that I need to keep these tools charged, especially when I can anticipate times when I have tasks that I need to make sure are completed. Often, anticipating the need is the issue, and is exactly where I run into trouble.

This is a typical life experience that also translates into your spiritual life. As a Christ-follower you understand you are totally dependent on God to empower you to live a life of faithfulness. You know that you have to stay plugged into the power source in order to be able to face the day-to-day challenges that life throws your way. Yet too often many fail to anticipate their spiritual need. It’s simply disconnected attempts to live life in your own strength. And just when you most need God’s life flowing into yours, you find that your spiritual batteries are dead. Then you experience the remorse that comes from knowing better.

Fortunately, God’s power to recharge your life is not far away. You don’t have to shut everything down, pack everything up and wait for next Sunday’s church service. You can access God’s power wherever you are through prayer. You can find strength in His Word. You can find support and empowerment through His people. Here’s what the apostle Paul said; “And so we keep on praying for you, that our God will make you worthy of the life to which he called you. And we pray that God, by his power, will fulfill all your good intentions and faithful deeds” —
2 Thessalonians 1:11.

If you find your spiritual batteries are running low, don’t wait for the warning light to come on. Wherever you are, plug in!


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