“If you never ask, the answer is always no.”

The person who made this statement recently was talking to marketers about closing the sale. It got my attention because it also applies to our prayer life.

James said, “You do not have because you do not ask God.” (James 4:2)

More and more I see asklessness as the root of our problems. James also said that we don’t receive sometimes because we ask with the wrong motives … but I’m convinced that the first part of the equation is a bigger problem for a good many of us.

The best way to solve this problem is with a pen, a paper, and some time spent in solitude.

Write down the things in your life that you have been dealing with on your own, that you have curiously neglected to pray about, and make a decision to bring these matters before the throne once a day until they’re resolved.

You and I both know from history that it works. Why then we go through seasons of asklessness is a mystery for the ages.


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