What does Jesus really look like? Artists throughout the centuries have painted various portraits of Jesus, often applying their own ethnic and cultural characteristics to their portrayals. Movies have variously portrayed Jesus from handsome, strong and confident to wimpy and weak. The Old Testament prophet, Isaiah prophesied regarding Jesus’ physical characteristics writing, “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.” (Isaiah 53:2)

In the end, we have no literary or artistic sources that can authoritatively convey what Jesus actually looks like. I would suggest, that more importantly, today in a very practical sense, Jesus looks like His followers.

The Scriptures declare that the church is Christ’s Body and each believer is a part. That was never more evident than this week’s VBS. Forty three adults volunteered as teachers, concessioners, choreographers, videographers. They assisted in areas of music, crafts, recreation, sound, media, registration, cleanup and many other needed tasks. Together, you served as the hands and feet of Jesus this week. By your actions and words you represented Jesus to the children who attended each night. I know that sometimes you felt like wavering under the load of responsibility of the pace and push of the week. Still, despite weaknesses and flaws, we have the assurance that the Holy Spirit works within us to empower and equip us to serve others in Jesus’ name. You stepped up and made yourselves available to be used in Jesus’ name and left the results up to Him. Because of this, children have heard the knock at the door and opened up to His love.

So, what does Jesus look like? One day, everyone will know for sure when we stand before Him. Until then, the best answer I can give is that to the children of The Big Apple Adventure, Jesus looks a lot like you. “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (2 Corinthians 3:18)


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