Living for Jesus does not exempt you from the jaws of temptation. Jesus was tempted. “Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted there by the devil” (Matthew 4:1). Being a Christ-follower and possessing godly character does not make you immune from temptation. In fact it is you that Satan desires to entice the most by taking the bait of his alluring ways. Many a believer has fallen prey to him—but this is not the case with Christ. The devil went up against him during a time of physical weakness. Like a metal grinder, grinding away at him. Christ turned away those abrasive taunts. It was like shooting sparks on the water but the evil one continued his deceptive work towards Jesus.

Now think of it, if the devil continues to grind even when there is no result, how much more will he grind on us who he knows has lesser resistance.  By the saving grace of God you’re marked as holy, sanctified and set apart for his glory, but don't be surprised that the ferocious hound of hell will continue to nip at your heels.
Even taking time that’s set aside in an effort to be secluded alone with God will not guard us from devilish trials.  Jesus Christ himself was led away from people and society into the wilderness and then tempted by the devil. Solitude does have its benefits and proves useful in checking the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. But, the devil will follow us into the most beautiful retreat centers. We can be found in the holiest of places and there suffer our darkest temptations. Your utmost spiritual dedication will not insure you against the tempter’s snare. Christ was dedicated to the uttermost. His soul was nourished daily to do the will of his Father—still he was tempted!
Yes, while living for Jesus the devil will try to bring you down. His objective is to make your living for Jesus lukewarm. I challenge you to find the verse of scripture where God says it’s ok to take off your armor. If you do I will show you the verse that states Satan has taken-off from tempting people.
May you be watchful in every season of life, fully equipped and armed with the Word of God,  for the great deceiver will seize upon your first unguarded moment to sink his teeth in you.


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