Contained herein are some reflective thoughts, brought about by some personal study of Philippians 1:21, while looking forward to my 24th year as pastor of Olive Place. The Apostle Paul states in the NLT; “For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better.

 “Live for Jesus” is a parting mantra I’ve used for almost twenty years. It was the phrase I used as my children exited the car on their way to school each morning. It has so motivated others that they have begun to repeat it back to me. My brother-in-law, Robert, has created a Facebook page branding “Live For Jesus” as its title. The page posts statements and real life stories about those who do in fact “Live for Jesus.”
However, I have not always lived for Jesus. But, I started living for Christ when God the Holy Spirit convinced me of how vile my sin was and to see, by His grace, that His dying on the Cross provided appeasement for my shameful guilt. From the moment the new birth certificate from heaven was issued with my name on it I began to live for Jesus. When I discovered that He was my priceless pearl I have been willing to part with all that I have. He has so completely won my love that my heart beats for him alone. So that each day that I live it is for His glory alone and for His Good News I will die. He is the pattern of and for my life and the shape of my character.
Paul's words in this text mean more than most people seem to think. They denote that the purpose and culmination of his life was Christ—truly, lived for Jesus. Paul ate, drank, and slept eternal life.  Jesus was his heart and soul, his every breath.
As a Christ-follower I can’t say that I have lived up to Paul’s intent of this text.  Can you say—that for you to live is Christ? If you profess to live for Christ how can you live for another object without committing spiritual adultery? I know I have carried out this principle to some degree but I dare say that I have not lived fully for Christ as Paul did. Listen up! This verse alone is the truth of a Christ-follower. The source and substance all rolled up into one exclusive word—Jesus.
Dear Jesus, I pray to live only for you. I present myself to you—lock-stock-and-barrel. Lord, accept me and let me keep my hand on your plow and my life before your altar to work or to be sacrificed and may my motto always be “Live for Jesus.”


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