“Don’t look at the troubles you can see now; rather, fix your gaze on things that cannot be seen” (adapted 2 Corinthians 4:18). Christ-follower you are to be by nature forward looking and forward reaching. Your goal, by running the race of life, is a prize, a crown of righteousness, a crown of life, a crown of never-ending glory and honor all because your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, first wore a crown of thorns. It is clear that while we live in hope now for joy unspeakable inspired by Eternal love, the future is seen with a faith that is daily nourished by the present presence of the Spirit.

What does the eye of daily nourished faith see when looking into the future? Sinless existence! We are made perfect to participate in the inheritance of the saints of God! All the misery of a life of sin gives way as we make our assent to the summit standing ready to enter heaven through those pearly gates—with arms open wide—to be crowned conquerors by Christ, the King of Glory.

This gaze to the future should give some relief to the darkness of your past and the sadness of your present situation. The joys of heaven should always be able to trump the sad sorrows of this life—if you will just look forward! 

Some are thinking the road is way too long and there’s no time to look ahead. I would like to ask you; “What did the monkey say when he got his tail caught in the lawn mower?”….. Wait for it! … Here it comes! … He said, “It won’t be long now!” The truth of your situation is that your road, in reality, is short and so is your time.  It won’t be long now when eternity will soon be yours—now, that is the long road filled with endless time.
Holy Spirit thank you that here in my present state of affairs you are with me to open my eyes to my future. For when this world tries to tear my heart far from your presence I can let my heaviest cares ascend to heaven where my faith’s gaze sees what my present senses cannot—past my troubled storms to my home just over the hilltop in that land of cloudless days. Thank you for your present presence.


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