Even Though Tough Times

People interpret the “abundant life” that Jesus promises as if Jesus was around to insulate us from reality.  But it just doesn’t happen that way. If you trust in Jesus, you can echo David’s famous words in Psalm 23. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Notice David didn’t write, “If I walk through the valley…” Rather, he exclaims “even though.” Tough times are inescapable and should be anticipated.  It comes with living in a broken world.  I don’t think that there is one person whom I have ever met who has been exempted from hard times in life.  There is a misconception in much of Christianity that once you experience Christ’s salvation in your life, and Jesus becomes intensely real to you, you are “protected” from tough times in life.

Daniel’s life — in the Old Testament book that bears his name —faced horrific hard times   One of the most “famous” stories of his life was when he found himself standing up for God, and then being flung into a lions’ den.  The biblical record tells us that Daniel continued seeking God in prayer even when a trap was laid for him by some supposed “wise men” in the king’s court. These men convinced the king to issue a law outlawing prayer to anyone other than to the king.  Even though King Darius respected Daniel, the hammer of justice fell on Daniel, who was quickly convicted and expedited to the lions’ den to suffer what seemed to be certain death. Daniel was thrown to the lions, but God delivered him.  The king was so astounded by that intervention of God that the king himself comes to acknowledge the God of Daniel as the living God.   

Most likely you will never have to face being thrown to the lions. However, hard times will come, and you can trust in God or you can allow the horrific times to overcome you.  When you experience trying times trust God and believe in His word. Make it your utmost priority. If you haven’t already, begin now to build the foundation of your life on Him.
Remember, you don’t have to face tough times alone.  God has put people in your life to encourage and support you.   Peter said: “humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor.”  Placing your trust steadfastly in God and His power to deliver, you too can survive the “lions” you face.


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