Change isn’t easy. Most everyone wants to change some aspect of their lives or some aspect of who they are. This is naturally a good thing—constantly improving ourselves. Personally, I think if you’re fine with the way you are you’ve set your standards too low. The minute we stop growing, we start dying. So life needs to be a constant process of change. Lasting change doesn’t come easily. You can’t do it on a whim. The challenge is to change and stay with it.

Change begins in your mind. It begins with the thoughts that you think. The Bible tells you that if you change what goes on in your mind—thoughts, feelings, will, attitude—you will experience transformation. “Be made new in the attitude of your minds.” (Ephesians 4:23) Change starts right between your ears.

Let me encourage you to learn to think about what you think about. Filter your thoughts. “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). This is why it is important as a Christ-follower that you spend time daily meditating on the Word, praying, and developing your relationship with Christ. The apostle Paul challenges us to think according to whatever is true and noble and right and pure and lovely and admirable and excellent and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). The Word renews your mind as you surrender your all to Him. Think about what you think. Learn to be a target thinker by putting each thought in its proper place. Ask yourself the; who, what and where behind each thought, and accept only the top-tier kind of thoughts. Then follow up each good thought with a supporting action.

This isn’t thinking positive. However, you will become a positive thinker. You’ll become an action-oriented thinker. You’ll be the kind of thinker that gets things done. You’ll be a target thinker because your thinking has been changed…made new.


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