Many Christians fall into the trap of believing in God but living like he doesn’t exist. Many churches fall into this trap, too. It's not about living a life of sin and debauchery as much as it is going about your life as if he isn't in the room. God wants more than just a Sunday morning religious ritual from you. He even wants more than your mere obedience. He wants your devotion. He wants your heart. He wants — believe it or not — your company. What I'm saying is that he wants you to look at him while he's talking to you! This is where the journey to a deeper life begins: turning your eyes toward him — acknowledging his presence, focusing on his presence. You accomplish this by cleaving to him every day.

Parents, do you remember the first time you dropped off your child at a baby-sitter? Do you remember your child's reaction when they realized that they were being left behind? You wanted to give them a little hug and a kiss good-bye, but they clung to you — wrapping their arms and legs around you — begging you not to leave. It was heart-breaking, wasn't it? And it was also eye-opening, because you realized how desperately this child needs you and wants you. You should learn to cling to God with that same desperation that a child feels on their first visit to daycare — that same level of intensity — that same attitude that says, "I can't let go of you; I can't let you out of my sight."

David wrote in Psalm 63:8; “My soul clings to you.” The word translated cling is the same word translated as cleave in Genesis, referring to the marriage relationship between a man and a woman. It means to be adhered to or glued to, and it describes our relationship with God. In other words, we need to cling and cleave to our Heavenly Father. This means that you are to acknowledge his presence throughout the day. It means that you should always be aware of how aware you are of his presence at every moment. And when you feel as if you have moved away from the Lord you need to reach out, wrap your arms around him once again, and hold on tight.

Get in the habit of starting a conversation with God by acknowledging his presence first thing every morning before you do anything else. And when your day doesn’t turn out to be less than perfect, and you made more mistakes than you can count, and you forgot to acknowledge his presence more times than you care to admit —it's not too late to cling and to cleave. As you began the day saying, "God, I need your presence in my life,” you can end the day the same way. And, in time, the gap between the two will close, and you will find yourself being a clinger all day long. Be a clinger.


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