An essential step to seeking God's face and seeking his presence is to come to him in a spirit of gratitude. It was King David who expressed the involvement of his presence this way; “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise.” (Psalm 100:4)

If you are controlled by the Holy Spirit of God and the holy Word of God, you will reveal it in the way you worship God. Instead of imitating the world, you will be led by the Word and the Spirit to be joyful in the Lord, obedient to the Lord, and thankful to the Lord, and the world will see the difference.

On a personal level, a spirit of gratitude helps you overcome some of the sins that too often invade your life — complaining, idolatry, pride, and ingratitude.

 Forget, for a moment, all the good reasons you have to complain. Instead, think back on every good thing that has ever happened. Every blessing. Every success. Every pleasant experience. Now, take a moment to acknowledge the source behind it all. Take a moment to say, "God, thank you." Take a moment to say, "To God be the glory for all the things you have done."

Seeking God means that you stop for a moment talking about me, me, me — and you make your prayers more about you, you, you. "Oh Lord, you are good, and you are worthy, and if you were never to do another good thing in my life, your goodness to this day is more than I could ever deserve. So I just want to spend this moment in your presence saying thank you, bless you, praise you."

Seeking God involves making every day about thanksgiving and praise.


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