The church is not just "about Sunday" — we don't exist simply for our services and programs and to maintain our building. Jesus told us to go into the world and make disciples. Here's where the church has dropped the ball. Instead of employing his "go and do something" strategy, we've settled for a “come and see” appeal. We've said, “Here we are. Here's our building. Here's an entertaining worship service. We have a great band and flashy graphics on a big screen and a compelling preacher — So come and see us.” Our Sunday services are important, but that's not all there is to it. We are called to serve others: this community and the world around us. We're called to live for Jesus.

What defines Living for Jesus people? A Living for Jesus church is made of ministering people. That means it's made up of willing servants consumed with the desire to minister to others. When enough of us capture the living for Jesus mindset, it influences everything we do: the way we design our services, the kind of programs we develop, the types of ministries we pursue, and how we approach the world outside.

The Apostle Paul’s whole life was about helping people. Everything he did was consumed with the desire of helping people get connected to Jesus Christ—To Live for Jesus. Listen to what he said to the church in Rome. “For I long to visit you so I can bring you some spiritual gift that will help you grow strong in the Lord. When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.” (Romans 1:11-12)

Paul's desire to minister to others was not just about surface level ministry. It wasn't just about numbers, or about getting a crowd together. He wanted to help people become mature, fully-developed, fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Just like what he said to the church in Galatia: “I feel as if I am going through labor pains for you again, and they will continue until Christ is fully developed in your lives.” (Galatians 4:19 NLT)

Developing a “Living for Jesus” mindset means that you work with the end in mind. You begin with having an idea what you're trying to accomplish in your ministry. When you’re called to the serve the poor, the purpose of your service is to help them come out of poverty. When you’re called to minister to those with broken lives, the purpose of your service is to help them put their lives back together. When you’re called to reach the lost, the purpose of your service is to help them become fully stable in their walk with Christ. Having a consuming desire to minister to others comes with a vision for what you want to accomplish; you work with the end in mind.

This requires persistence. Broken people are difficult to serve. Paul said, I want you to know, dear brothers and sisters, that I planned many times to visit you, but I was prevented until now. I want to work among you and see spiritual fruit… (Romans 1:13). You don't give up just because something doesn't work the first time. You have to keep trying.

Some of you are already aware of your God-ordained actuated leadership. You already sense that God is calling you to serve him in a certain capacity. Don't make the mistake of thinking that if it doesn't come together quickly it won't come together at all. You probably won't hit a homerun your first time at the plate. You probably won't get an overwhelming response the first time you reach out to others. Plan A might not work, and Plan B might not work either. You have to keep trying. Paul was consistent in his efforts of ministry because he was consumed with the idea of reaching people for Jesus Christ. Do you want to change the world you live in? Do you want to make a difference for the glory of God? Get consumed with the idea of reaching others—The Living for Jesus Mindset.


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