Start to Finish

Often we liken the habits of man to the habits of God. If one perceived themselves as fun-loving they would conclude God as being fun-loving. If one saw themselves as having difficulty they would fashion an idea that God has difficulty. Projecting our humanity upon His divinity could lead one to a misconception about how God functions and thus find themselves living with a faith that is fragile, futile, and fickle.

This fallacy becomes apparent when in our humanness we fail to finish tasks of faith that we start. We begin with confident resolve affirming that nothing can shake us. Our love is heartfelt and steady. Yet, we fail to remember the sinful pleasures and temptations of this world that keep calling our name and once again at the point of being allured by its call we ignore the reality of our own evil hearts that can never conquer sin.
King David—like us, displayed a heart for God then failing to finish what he started because of a sinful heart —expressed a divine confidence of the Lord’s work on his behalf. Even though he staggered, the perfect grace of His Rock did not. His dependence was on God alone when he said, “The Lord will work out his plans for my life.” (Psalm 138:8 NLT)
David was confident in everything that concerned him because he knew that from start to finish the Lord God Almighty could not, would not fail His promise towards him. God has a purpose for each believer. The apostle Paul was also certain about God’s purpose for our lives. “I am sure that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6 ESV)

God will not forsake you. He will not let you down. Whatever is left to be done in you God will do it. God has a great purpose to fulfill through your life, and He will not allow the enemy to frustrate that purpose. When you fall or are inclined to waver in your mind concerning the finish line of your faith follow the example of David and pray with confidence in the steadfast eternal enduring love of God that He will carry you forward across the finish line He has predetermined for you.
It has well been said that the purpose of prayer is not to get man’s will done in heaven but to get God’s will done on earth, and this was demonstrated in David’s life. Can it be said of your life?


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