None of us know what life will be like when we get to heaven. But this you should know, that life today is the training ground for your future in eternity. God is preparing you for life and service in heaven. This explains why in this present age you have trials in your life. God uses trials as a teaching tool in the classroom of Christ-following faith. “These trials will show that your faith is genuine.” (1 Peter 1:7 NLT)

Faith that is not tested cannot be trusted. It may not be true faith and at best it’s “little faith” without trials. Faith shows itself worthy when it is under fire from all sides. Faith that is tested triumphs in adversity and brings experience and maturity into your faith life. The value of faith is only realized when your weakness is challenged and God’s strength is the only support you hold to while passing through the furnace of the various trials you face. Faith then is perfected, purified in intensity the more it is exercised with tribulation. This results in faith being more precious to you and the trial that increased its strength.
Trials meet needs in order to help discipline you to obey God’s will and prepare you for spiritual growth helping prevent you from sinning. You may not understand why God is allowing this trial to come your way but you can trust Him to know and do what is best. Trials are varied so that you don’t start thinking that if you had victory in one the next will be a slam dunk. God will match your trial to your strength and needs. Therefore, His grace will be sufficient to meet that need. There is nothing easy about having to face trials. They are difficult experiences in life. But remember trials do not last forever, just for a season. When God permits you to go through the fire He keeps His eye on the clock and His hand on the thermostat. If you rebel He may have to reset the settings, but if you surrender and submit He will not permit you to suffer one minute too long. It is important to learn the lesson He wants to teach you and that it brings glory to Him alone. For you see you were born for glory, kept for glory, and most importantly being prepared for glory.


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