Growing up in my family there was an obvious unwritten code
that hard work was mandatory. My grandfather and uncle wasted no time
indoctrinating my cousin and I into it at an early age. The biblical concept of
the adamic covenant found in Genesis 3:19 was quoted often; “by the sweat of
your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which
you were made.” Since that was too much to quote at the time it needed to be
repeated for emphasis, it was modified to; “man is to work by the sweat of his
brow.” Later it was paraphrased into a Grandadism: “Life’s hard then you die.”
That phrase was used without exception anytime we would complain about the task
at hand. Like the Jewish people our family looked upon work, not as a curse,
but as a stewardship from God.
Even the apostle took up a trade as a tentmaker and knew
of the blessing of work. “Those unwilling to work will not get to eat.” (1
Thessalonians 3:10) And Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 9:10, “Whatever you do,
do well.” This is not the idea of “I’ll just wait until something better comes
along.” This is not the idea of “Well, I use to do such and such….” The past is
gone and the future has not arrived. You have no other time but the present.
It’s time now to get to work. Make a living in the present. Stop dreaming and endeavor to be productive,
We as Christ-followers are to enjoy our work.
And on top of that, you are to do it well and with all your might. In this way
you are serving God. When you serve God the Bible says you are to serve with
all your heart, soul, and strength. You are not to waste away your time and
effort but for Christ sake throw your whole soul into it. In this way you bring
glory to God. Since He is your strength seek Him in your weakness when you feel
like throwing up your hands and quitting. Proceed in prayer and faith to do
well the work you have today. Do so that you can make the most of your
opportunities now. When done this way you will enjoy life instead of merely
enduring it.
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