My sister and brother-in-law took their family on a two week RV-ing vacation to the northwest region of the US concluding their journey in Colorado Springs. It reminded me of when my wife and I visited those vast expansive mountains especially viewing those breath-taking vistas at the summit of Pikes Peak.

Gaining our view or knowledge of Christ is somewhat like driving up Pikes Peak. As you begin your assent at the base you are limited in what you can see and have no good measure of how high it really is. Confined in your vehicle you discover hardly anything but the trees rippling from the granite rocks as you wind around each curve past the tree line on the 19 mile roadway. The higher you climb the scenery below ever widens. Going higher and higher you see the landscape around for miles and miles. Still climbing the scene enlarges when at last you are on the summit. Walking around you look east, west, north, and south it seems as if you can see all of beautiful America, from sea to shining sea. It is almost more than you can take in. It is simply amazing how much you can see at the elevation of 14,114 feet.

The life of a Christ-follower has a similar assent. When we first believe in Christ we don’t see right away all there is to see of Him. The more we travel the upward climb with Him the more of His beauty we discover. The journey ever widens, yet we are still a ways off from the summit. Don’t forsake the climb. “Get you up to a high mountain, O Zion, herald of good news; lift up your voice with strength, O Jerusalem, herald of good news; lift it up, fear not; say to the cities of Judah, "Behold your God!" (Isaiah 40:9 ESV)

In every twist and turn in the quest for the heights and depths of the love of Christ, which the Bible says surpasses our understanding, we gain the proper perspective to life. It was the apostle Paul shivering in a dark Roman dungeon jail cell demonstrating this perspective by saying in 2 Timothy 1:12, “I know whom I have believed.” He had an assurance of the steadfast love of Christ because each experience he had was like climbing another hill. Every trial he had been through was like ascending to the top of the mountain from which he could see the vast faithfulness and love of the One to whom he had committed his soul. Do you need a fresh perspective, then hurry! Get yourself up into the high mountain.


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