I use a phrase among my family and my church family; it is “Live for Jesus.” This simple ditty is used as a reminder that He is our light and life. But you can’t live for Jesus if you’re not “Looking to Jesus—Hebrews 12:2. You see He is the founder and the one who has perfected our faith. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to keep our eyes focused on Christ and away from self. It is the work of Satan to counter the Spirit’s activity and have you continually try to put yourself in a higher regard than Jesus. 

The father of lies insinuates that your sins are way too many, so, forgiveness is out of the question. He tries to convince you that you have no faith and you don’t repent enough therefore you will never be able to make it to heaven. The devil will point out your joy is not equal to that of some other child of God and you waver too much in your walk with Jesus. All of these thoughts are about self and we will never find any comfort or assurance by looking within.

The Holy Spirit’s mission is to keep your eyes turned away from yourself. He is well equipped at letting us see that in ourselves we have nothing on which to boast about but “in Christ” we are worthy. Remember that having a grasp on Christ does not save you—it is Christ alone. Remember that having joy in Christ does not save you—it is Christ alone. Remember that your faith is only the instrument by which you are saved—it is Christ’s perfect shed blood for your sin that saves to the uttermost.

It is good that you have a better grasp on the knowledge of Christ but it is no substitute for looking to Christ. It is not hope that you look to—it’s Jesus the source of your hope. It is not your faith that you look to—it’s Jesus the founder and perfecter of your faith. Our soul doesn’t find rest in our feelings, or in our deeds, or even our prayers it is in what Jesus is, not who we are that satisfies. There is only one way to have victory over Satan. It is only “looking to Jesus” that we overcome the devil’s games and have peace with God.

Christ-follower always be looking to Jesus. In the morning when you get up to start your day, look to Him. In the evening when you lay your head on your pillow, look to Jesus. Keep your mind fixed on Him. May His suffering, death, resurrection and glories be fresh on your mind. Christ is your all in all. Please don’t let your hopes or fears come between you and Jesus. Follow hard after Him.

"O soul, are you weary and troubled? No light in the darkness you see? There’s light for a look at the Savior, and life more abundant and free! Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.” Helen H. Lemmel


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