Scholarship Request

In the middle of July families are on vacation relaxing and taking it easy because it’s summertime. But, in just six weeks a new school year begins. Students will resume their learning in the ABC’s of education. The quest for continued and higher education is important for every child to gain the basic skills to navigate through the world they will lead and live in. It is also important for every child of God to be instructed in the alphabet of truth.

As a Christ-follower begins the transformation to develop into the masterpiece God has planned for them it becomes a bit overwhelming to walk in the way of the Lord. We may know some things but quickly realize the vastness of our ignorance in His path, His way, and His truth. Often are the times we discover our walk needs improvement and we ask the Lord to still lead us onward with his guiding and helping hand. Our efforts to go it alone have only brought despair and discouragements which turn us back to Him in prayer craving to be further instructed at the Lord’s University of Grace.
David himself prayed for a scholarship to L.U. of G.; “Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.” (Psalm 25:5)
As David sought knowledge from God we too should have this desire to be schooled in His truth. David stood firm in his Lord’s salvation. We too should enjoy the assurance and power of our salvation in Jesus Christ for with it we, like David, can exercise peaceful patience as we spend all day with God in His classroom of faith.
My prayer for the church and for you Christ-follower is that your spirit would be teachable and ready to be instructed in His ways having your understanding sanctified and surely increasing the confidence of your eternal hope. Thereby ending the thought of following your own ideas and explore the ways of God’s own truth watching your expectancy rise as you serve and worship Him all the days of your life having happiness and comfort even in the face of trials.


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